SAJ Vagamon Hideout
kerala hotels and resorts

Kurishumala Package

Kurisumala, meaning the `Mountain with a Cross' is a spiritual centre started in 1955. A cross atop the mountain with steps leading up to it has been a pilgrimage spot for pilgrims from all creeds. For years Vagamon was known for the Ashram, started by a Belgian Cistercian monk. This community of `sadhakas' or ascetics believe in `living a monastic life in prayer and work' as a means of spiritual fulfillment rather than being a purely religious based centre.

Perhaps one reason why Kurisumala has not attained the kind of religious fervor that modern day spiritual pilgrimage centres like Malayatoor. For tourists, Kursiumala is a great place to visit and ideally one should do it by walking up to the base of the mountain and perhaps up the rock to the Cross.

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